
The Strange Inability to Finish a Project

September 23, 2023
2 Minute Read

I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I seem to be unable to finish a project. I have a handful side projects I've been puttering around with, but haven't been able to see them through to completion.

Here are my current list of side projects I've worked on in some manner, shape or form:

I start working on one thing, and then get the urge to switch to a different project. I start that, and then end up switching to a different one.

At my 9-5, I'll finish every project or task I'm home it's like the opposite. I mean sure, at work I have to if I want to keep my job, it's just kinda funny I can't do the same at home.

I really should just bite the bullet and dedicate myself to something and just push it out the door.