I set a goal this year of picking back up guitar and learning to play 10 songs. I can safely say that learning 10 songs is probably not going to happen. But I have picked up the guitar again and am trying to teach myself and practice.
I’ve been practicing mostly being able to go back and forth between the G, C, D, E & A chords. It’s what caused me frustration back in high school and college when I got my first guitar. I’ve been doing better this time. And my fingers haven’t been hurting nearly as much as when I first started.
But I started looking for some “easier” songs to learn online and looking at the chords, they should be on the easier side. But for the life of me, I’m struggling to both change chords, and something that’s a little more new to me, get the strumming right. Musicians and other guitar players make it look easy.
Most of the songs I attempt to play, well let’s just say they don’t really sound quite like they’re supposed to. My wife is a saint for putting up with my practicing.
I’m not going to give up, and while I’m likely not to hit my goal, I’m going to keep at it. I’m just hoping that with more practice, will come better results.
Like with just about anything worth doing, you need to practice, and that’s what I’m going to keep doing.