For the last several months I’ve been going back and forth between iA Writer and Obsidian as my notes app on all my devices. Recently I started playing around more with Obsidian and think I’m going to jump in.
The Killer Feature for Me
I think the killer feature for me is the ability to create templates and be able to insert them at will. I have templates for my blog posts, notes, book notes, recipes and several other common notes I end up writing. The ability to launch the command menu, select insert template and pre-populate the common fields is time saving and quite helpful. I use front matter for notes to help with organization and it’s nice to just be able to just insert that as a template.
The Most Important Part
Finally, the most important thing is that like iA Writer, Obsidian just writes plain markdown files. This means that I can just get up and go at any point without any issue and move to another app. If I decide to go back to iA, it’s no big deal, just select all files and copy them back into iA’s directory.
I’m not locked into an app which is what I didn’t want from the start.