Keith Wagner

Teaching Myself Web Components

I've mentioned before that when I rebuilt my media repository, the end goal was to use web components and stick closer to web standards. Well the time has come and I'm starting what will become the 1.0 version of my media repository.

When I moved my blog off of Next.js in December over to 11ty, my primary reason for doing so was to lessen the JavaScript sent down to the browser and to get closer to the bare bones of the web. For something like my personal site, I still can’t see myself not using some build tool like 11ty to turn all my content into HTML. But for my media repository where there aren’t that many static pages and it’s much more data driven, standard html files should work perfectly. JavaScript will still be required, but I wouldn't need a build step. To be honest, part of me feels like I’m going back to my PHP days as the final version of the media repository frontend will be just drag and drop into the web folder on my NAS.

My knowledge of web components is somewhat limited so I figure this will be a good learning experience for me. I'm probably going to make mistakes, over-engineer do things the wrong way at first, but that's all part of the fun of learning new tooling and building things.

I figure there's a lot of resources out there and I'm ready to start digging in.