Between a long weekend and the election screwing me up, didn't read all that much. Either way, got some articles on CSS, 11ty, web performance and more.
🌐 Web Development
Grateful: Colors in console.log() - Jim Nielsen
The most effective ways to improve Core Web Vitals -
11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms - Andrey Sitnik
Building My Resume in HTML using Eleventy - Michael Engen
Your CSS reset should be layered - Mayank
On being a "JavaScript framework developer"... - Stefan Judis
📡 The Internet
Some (Slightly Biased) Thoughts On The State Of Decentralized Social Media - Mike Masnick
📰 Journalism
Dear Jeff Bezos: The ‘Hard Truth’ Is That Cowardice Like Yours Is Why People Don’t Trust The Media - Mike Masnick