
Posts Tagged11ty

6 Months with 11ty

At the end of 2023, I switched my site from being built with Next.js to 11ty. 6 months on, I’m still quite happy with my decision.

Personal Sites, Connections, and 11ty

I was recently listening to an episode of the JS Party podcast where they had Zach Leatherman on to talk about 11ty going independent.

How I Built a Spoiler Web Component for My Site

Every once in a while I like writing about a video game I’m playing, a movie or TV show I watched. I’m often a little behind things nowadays, but even so, I try to be careful as to not spoil it for anyone reading who might not have watched the latest episode or have gotten that far into the game yet.

One Month with Eleventy

I’ve now been using Eleventy for my site for a little over a month and I have to say I’m happy I made the change. I’ve continued writing. I’ve added some features, tweaked some things here and there, almost all has been good. I have run into a few hiccups, mostly of my own making, but highly doubt I’d ever consider going back at this point.

The Process of Switching to 11ty

Over the course of the last month or so, I began the process of converting my site from Next.js to 11ty. It was actually a pretty straightforward process and I’m happy with the result. I figure I’ll share some of the gotchas and the challenges that I faced moving my various pages over.

Now on 11ty

You might have noticed some changes to the site. That’s expected as it is now running on 11ty.