
Posts TaggedReading

Books I Read in 2023

I read more books in 2023 than I have in any year since I started keeping track. I generally enjoyed most of them but there were some “meh” (at least to me) books as well.

Added Book Notes

You might have noticed that I added a new section to my page called “Book Notes”, and RSS subscribers might have noticed the same thing. Inspired by a Mastodon post by Matthias Ott, I decided to add something more than quick notes on the books I read.

Ian W. Toll's Pacific War Trilogy

Over the course of the last month, I’ve been reading a three book series written by Ian W. Toll on the history of World War II in the Pacific. I’m currently on the second book and I can’t recommend it enough.

Calming Down After Hockey

I enjoy playing hockey and will often play as much as 3 nights a week. Being an adult, I’m stuck with the late ice times so the kiddos can be home and in bed. This means that I’m often not starting games until 10:00 to 10:30pm some nights. This means that I’m not home until midnight some nights. Add in the rush of adrenaline from playing and it’s not a fun combo. I’ve started to settle into a good habit though.

Libby and Libraries

As a kid, I loved it when my parents took me to the library. I read often and loved checking out books to read. As an adult it’s no different.