Keith Wagner


Teaching Myself Web Components

I've mentioned before that when I rebuilt my media repository, the end goal was to use web components and stick closer to web standards. Well the time has come and I'm starting what will become the 1.0 version of my media repository.

Week Notes for September 15 - 28

My week notes for the weeks of September 15 through September 21 & September 22 through September 28. This is a double issue due to vacation.

The Lunacy of Artemis

I recently read a great article breaking down the issues NASA is facing with its Artemis Program. I have known for a while now that this program has its issues which has been disheartening as a fan of space and human space exploration. I was originally going to post this as a note, but I realized I had more to say about it, so here goes.

My Media Repository, React, & Next Steps

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I’m rebuilding my media repository in Node.js and React since my Blazor implementation is unable to run on my Synology NAS model. It was an unfortunate oversight on my part, but I still had fun building it and it’s working well for me running off my desktop. I’d stick with it, but that’s not really a long-term solution for my needs.

Week Notes for September 8 - 14

My week notes for the week of September 8 through September 14.

Week Notes for September 1 - 7

My week notes for the week of September 1 through September 7.

The Internet Isn’t Really that Old

I’ve been reading Liar in a Crowded Theater by Jeff Kosseff and he was talking about how some state laws in the early 2000s around speech were written in such a way that did or did not include the Internet. Cases that are super similar, but if done on the internet might not qualify for coverage under the law. It made me think and realize that the Internet is not really that old.

August 2024 Check-In

August came and went pretty quickly. I ran a lot, finished redesigning my site, did some house work, and felt like I had a productive month.

Week Notes for August 25 - 31

My week notes for the week of August 25 through August 31.

Containerizing an Existing Blazor Project

I've been working on a .NET 8 Blazor Web App and needed to create a docker image of it so I can deploy it to my Synology NAS. I ran into several hiccups during the process and figured I'd share what I learned about the process.

Rate Limiting Apple Watch Fitness Notifications

I wrote about how I adjusted the way I run back in May. I also mentioned that my watch can help me keep track of my heart rate and alert me of what zone I’m in. That alert is starting to be a little annoying.

Building My Media Repository

Over the course of the last several months, I’ve been building a new web app to store content for my site rather than Notion. I’ve been wanting to own my data and this allows me to keep control of my gain better control. I’ve mentioned this before, but figured I’d go through some of the technical details behind it so far.
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