Keith Wagner


Finishing a Game and then Sadness...

Ever finish a video game and be sad that it's over? Ever finish a video game and be sad there's no more story?

Mozilla Needs to Focus on Firefox

Mozilla just recently announced more layoffs. They're apparently scaling back on, its VPN and other services to focus on bringing trustworthy AI into Firefox. I really wish I knew what Mozilla was thinking.

I Love Seeing More Personal Sites

There’s been one good thing that’s come out of the whole X/Twitter debacle. Personal sites and blogs have seen a renaissance and are coming a bit more to the forefront. I love seeing it.

Starting with Test-Driven Development

I’ve been reading Pragmatic Test-Driven Development in C# and .NET by Adam Tibi and I think it’s tilted me towards giving it a serious college try.

What I Learned: HTML Dialog

I know I’m a little late to the game, but I recently learned how to use the new HTML <dialog> element.

Scheduling My Hobbies

I’ve set some goals for myself this year and I decided I’m going to try something new in hopes that it helps me achieve them. It’s going to sound silly, but hey, let’s try it.

What I Learned: LINQ Deferred Query Execution

I’ve been reading Parallel Programming and Concurrency with C# 10 and .NET 6 by Alvin Ashcraft. So far I’ve been learning a lot about how .NET handles threads, parallel programming and concurrency as the title would indicate. But in the meantime, I’ve learned something about LINQ that I probably should’ve realized or learned earlier.

January 2024 Check-In

January was a pretty lousy month for me. I started the month having to say goodbye to my cat, Cookie. And to be honest, the sting of that continued on for the rest of the month.

Banning Books is Bullshit

I can’t believe we’re dealing with this bullshit again. States and local municipalities all over the country are banning books from libraries under the guise of “protecting the children”.

One Month with Eleventy

I’ve now been using Eleventy for my site for a little over a month and I have to say I’m happy I made the change. I’ve continued writing. I’ve added some features, tweaked some things here and there, almost all has been good. I have run into a few hiccups, mostly of my own making, but highly doubt I’d ever consider going back at this point.

How Lock-In Hurts Design

I was reading an article from Cory Doctorow the other day talking about design and lock-in. A lot of what he was talking about spoke to me.

What I Learned: Broccoli & Cauliflower are Cabbages

This year I want to try more things in the kitchen. Try new recipes, new styles, and expand my cooking abilities. At the same time, my wife and I found Good Eats on HBO Max and have been going through and watching it.
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