Keith Wagner


Remembering Cookie

Yesterday, January 9, 2024 my wife and I had to say goodbye to our sweet cat Cookie. She was 14 1/2 years old.

Figuring Out Notes

Over the last year plus, I’ve been trying to figure out the best way I want to handle my notes. I’ve been bouncing between apps trying to decide what app I want to use. I’ve been hoping I would be able to find a single app to handle both quick notes and longer form pieces like blog posts.

Introducing Notes

One thing you might have recently noticed is there is now a new header option called “Notes” on my site. I saw Jim Nielsen’s notes page and liked the idea so I decided to implement my own version.

What I Learned: C# Primary Constructors

When writing C# code, I often use dependency injection to inject the various services and repositories I need in the class I’m working on. Sometimes that would end up making the top of the classes rather “busy”. C# 12 has introduced a new way to make constructors and I love it.

December 2023 Check-In

December kind of sucked. Halfway through the month, I caught bronchitis, and it took me 2 weeks to finally kick it to the curb. This completely curtailed the Christmas festivities as I definitely did not want to spread this to anyone else.

Books I Read in 2023

I read more books in 2023 than I have in any year since I started keeping track. I generally enjoyed most of them but there were some “meh” (at least to me) books as well.

TV I Watched in 2023

Sometimes I find it hard to just sit down and watch TV. It’s why my backlog is quite long.

Movies I Watched in 2023

My wife and I have a system where we often have movie nights and take turns picking the movie. We continued it this year and have watched quite a few. Some of them I’ve seen before. Others I have not.

Aspirations for 2024

As is my tradition, I try to set some goals for myself each year. Some of them I hit, others I don’t. I try not to be too hard on myself for missing any as they’re more aspirations, something to strive for.

2023 Retrospective

Another year has come and gone. I’m a year older and I suppose a little wiser, though the latter one is a little hard to judge. I had a good year and really can’t complain.

The Process of Switching to 11ty

Over the course of the last month or so, I began the process of converting my site from Next.js to 11ty. It was actually a pretty straightforward process and I’m happy with the result. I figure I’ll share some of the gotchas and the challenges that I faced moving my various pages over.

Now on 11ty

You might have noticed some changes to the site. That’s expected as it is now running on 11ty.
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