There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything I want to done. Part of that is me failing to motivate myself to focus, the other is just me being busy. Take today for example. I meant to spend a good portion of the afternoon working on teaching myself libGDX for the game idea I have. What did I do? Get myself distracted so much I only got through a very little bit of the one tutorial I was going through. That being said, I can proudly say that it wasn't Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or the Internet that distracted me. It was really just my lack of being able to focus that led to me getting up to go sit out on the couch with Lauren, or just roam around aimlessly. Today was not going to be my day to focus. Things should hopefully end up calming down a bit once the wedding is over...did I mention I'm getting married in 2 months? Right now I'm busy with working out at the gym, running, hockey, wedding stuff, and of course work. There really just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to focus on everything.
- Writing my first novel
- Hockey
- Gym & Running (trying to lose my gut)
- Borderlands 2
- RSS Reader
- Game idea
- Game challenge (go through and complete all the games in my rather large library)
This list is what I currently have on my plate. And that doesn't even include wedding planning stuff, spending time with friends, and of course spending time with Lauren. None of it I want to really give up, so it's really a challenge to balance it all.
Motivation & focus are also key here and it always seems to be lacking when I have the time to work on my development projects especially.
I'm really hoping I can soon make progress here. I'm still not quite sure what I want to do about my idea for a new RSS reader, but I have an idea for what could be a pretty cool game. I just would need to teach myself how to build the game, and how to build a functioning AI. It will be a challenge, but challenges can be fun.
Any recommendations on how to improve one's focus?