Last week, I decided to try something new and make a move to keep my cell phone out of the bedroom.
I had heard of the idea a while back and while intrigued, shrugged it off. Over the last couple weeks I’ve thought about it a little more and realized I might be attached to my phone a little more than I’d like. In the morning I would lay in bed for longer than I’d care to admit scrolling mindlessly through my phone. I decided I didn’t like that.
So, I went and bought myself an old-fashioned alarm clock and plopped it on my bedside table, moving my iPhone/Watch charger into my office.
It’s now been a week having switched to an alarm clock. I’ve hit snooze on my alarm clock less than I would when using my phone, I’m getting out of bed sooner, and I’m not spending my mornings glued to my phone.
I'm not certain it's going to affect all that much with regards to phone use, I still am on it more than I want, but it's a start and hopefully it will help.