
Posts TaggedLife

Keeping My Phone Out of the Bedroom

Last week, I decided to try something new and make a move to keep my cell phone out of the bedroom.

December 2023 Check-In

December kind of sucked. Halfway through the month, I caught bronchitis, and it took me 2 weeks to finally kick it to the curb. This completely curtailed the Christmas festivities as I definitely did not want to spread this to anyone else.

Aspirations for 2024

As is my tradition, I try to set some goals for myself each year. Some of them I hit, others I don’t. I try not to be too hard on myself for missing any as they’re more aspirations, something to strive for.

2023 Retrospective

Another year has come and gone. I’m a year older and I suppose a little wiser, though the latter one is a little hard to judge. I had a good year and really can’t complain.

October 2023 Check-In

October was a good month. I spent the latter half of it in Aruba and had a great time. But outside Aruba, the month was mostly quiet.

I Need More Time in the Day

I really need more time in the day. I have so many things I want to do. I want to write more, I want to finish a side project, practice guitar, and more. But after work and cooking dinner, the hours in the day aren’t quite there.


My wife and I recently returned from a 12 day, 11 night stay in Aruba for our 10 year anniversary. We decided to splurge a bit since it’s such a special occasion and it was worth it.

September 2023 Check-In

The fall season has begun. The weather has started to chill which is thankful since our AC still needs repairing or replacement.

Summer is Fading

Summer here in the Northeast USA is winding down and I couldn't be happier.

August 2023 Check-In

August was a mostly uneventful month, which seems to be par for the course for me. I'm good with that though, I like being able to take it easy...especially with this heat.

Figuring Out Better Sleep Habits

Something that's been on my todo list for a while is to improve my sleeping habits.

July 2023 Check-In

July was a scorcher. I know we had it lucky compared to other areas of the world, but I don’t do well in the heat so the constant 90º weather was not pleasant for me.

June 2023 Check-In

Half the year is over. This month also had me surviving another trip around the sun.

It's Easy to Fall Off the Train

I’ve been pretty good with my fitness to start the year. For the first 3 months of the year I worked out in some fashion just about every day. Then I tweaked my hip flexor and it came crashing down.

May Check-In

May was a bit of a frustrating month, but I can’t fully point my finger at why exactly. I ended up tweaking a muscle early in the month that limited my physical activities, but not much else really jumps out at me as to why the month felt off.

10 Years of Playing Hockey

It was 10 years ago when I ended up starting to play ice hockey. I had tried playing baseball again but ended up hurting my shoulder so I opted for trying something new.

February Check-In

Two months in and the year has been going relatively well. Bummed the Eagles couldn't pull off a Super Bowl win, but no complaints otherwise.


I forget what I was reading, but there was a line in it about luck that stuck with me.

January Check-In

It seems like a new year just started and already we're one month in...

2022 Retrospective

Well, 2022 is now over and done with, and I don't feel like much has changed.

December Check-In

December was a quiet month, but I feel like I spent the better part of it dealing with colds.

November Check-In

Thanksgiving has come and gone, so that means November has also come and gone. It was not a bad month by any means as I got to spend time with my family for both my niece's baptism as well as Thanksgiving.

October Check-In

The biggest thing to happen in the month of October was probably celebrating Lauren's and my 9 year anniversary. Other than that, it was mostly a quiet month.

September Check-In

Of course the month of my vacation is the month that seems to fly by the fastest.

August Check-In

I can't believe the summer is basically over. August was spent running. So...much...running.

July Check-In

July was mostly a good month for me. A small medical mishap, but otherwise a good month.

June Check-In

I can't believe the first half of 2022 is already over. Another month has come and gone and I'm not sure what I have to show for it.

May Check-In

May was an eventful month. I didn't do much because I was exposed to COVID…and then got COVID later in the month. Needless to say, the month could have gone better, but it could have been far worse.

April Check-In

April wasn't a terribly busy month for me. I spent a lot of it just hanging around the house working on my blog and side projects.

Two Years of Remote Work

A little over two years ago, the world came to a screeching halt because of COVID-19. Myself, like many others started working from home to help curb the spread of the virus. While some have started to go back to the office on at least a hybrid basis, I am now 100% remote and loving it.

March Check-In

March didn't particularly feel like that busy of a month. About the only eventful thing that happened was a week-long vacation to Cape May, New Jersey at the end of the month.

February Check-In

February felt like a busy month, it seemed like every weekend we had something going on keeping us moving about.

January Check-In

I can't believe it's already February. It feels like January just came and went.

Tracking My 2022 Goals

Goals can be a funny thing. We all set them, and what happens next can be all over the spectrum. I figured I’d build a little something to help keep me accountable.

2021 Retrospective

Well 2021 was quite the started with a failed coup by the GOP, a wide rollout of a life-saving COVID-19 vaccine that almost half the country doesn't want to take because they're being lied to by their (vaccinated) political leaders and news channels, and we're back in another COVID-19 wave entering the third year of the all in all...just peachy.

December Check-In

December was a rough month.

November Check-In

November was a rather quiet month all things considered.

October Check-In

October felt like it was a busy month. It seemed that we had plans every weekend and were always on the move. It wasn't necessarily a bad busy, but it probably foreshadows the upcoming holiday season.

September Check-In

September seemed to fly by pretty quickly, but it was definitely a good month. I enjoyed a week away on vacation and felt like I got a lot accomplished.

Halfway Through 2021

I can't believe how fast we've gotten through the first half of 2021. It feels like despite the slow start, the year has just flown by. I figured I'd take a look back and see how I'm doing with what I've been doing this year, and how I've been faring with what I was hoping to focus on this year.

Three Months Down in 2021

I still can't believe it's already April, it really seems like it was just New Year's yesterday. Alas, I figured I'd check in with how I'm doing with my goals.

Two Months Down in 2021

I can't quite decide if this year is flying by...or dragging on...and on...and on.

My Typical Weekday

I've seen posts like this going around so I figured I'd share what my typical weekday looks like.

Ending the Trainwreck that was 2020

I think it's probably the world's biggest understatement to say that 2020 did not go the way I had envisioned it to go. And yet, the year has now come to a close.

Starting a New Job

At the end of November, I ended up leaving my job at Maintenance Strategies, Inc. and made the decision to take on a new challenge working as a software developer at Webstaurant.

My Cat Cookie is Now 11 Years Old

Meet Cookie, the cat that I’ve had now for almost 11 years.

Yearly Wrap-up and Retrospective: 2019

Another year has passed and it’s been a tradition of mine as of late to look back on the year that was to see what I hoped to have done, what I did, and where I might improve. I really wish I knew where 2019 went because it seemed to have just flown by. It seemed like it was just yesterday that I was writing about 2018, looking onward to 2019. Now 2019 is gone, the new decade has maybe? begun, and I’m a year older.

My Progress So Far

Two and a half months in, I figured I’d reflect on where things stand with regards towards working towards the goals I set for myself.

3 Weeks In

Since we’re now about 3 weeks into 2019, I figured I’d quickly see where I’m at in terms of my goals for the year.

A New Year

A year later, let's see what happened in 2018 and what I'm looking at for 2019.

Looking Back at 2017 and Forward into 2018

A year later, let's see what happened in 2017 and what I'm looking at for 2018.

2016 In Review

2016 was a super busy year for me, and in some cases, probably a little too busy.

What I've Been Up To

It's been a while since the last time I've posted anything on here so I figured I'd give a little bit of an update as to what I've been up to.

Exploring New York City

This past weekend, Lauren and I went to New York City. It wasn't the best weather for the trip, but overall I feel we lucked out as we only needed umbrellas twice. Most of the time it was just gray or misting which isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things.

2014 Is Here!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a good, safe, fun New Year's Eve. Lauren and I spent it bundled up watching the Flyers game and Netflix which is just what we wanted.

What's on the Horizon for 2014?

I still can't believe that 2013 is almost over. It really seems like the year just flew by. I guess part of it was all the wedding preparation and the wedding itself. There are still some days where I can't believe I'm married, though I'm definitely happy I am...just seems so surreal.

Hope Everyone Had a Good Christmas

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was definitely a good one. It was nice to be able to spend the day with my family. For a first Christmas (well, Married Christmas) with Lauren, I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas.

Ohhhh, the Holidays

Every year, it seems the holidays come up on me faster and faster. It really feels like it was just Halloween yesterday. Maybe it's because I was so occupied with planning my wedding this year, but it really seems like the whole year has just flown by. I guess it doesn't help that I've just been so busy this December. With everything going on, this is the first year that Lauren and I ended up getting a fake tree. I've always been far more preferential to real trees because I love their look, and their smell. The fun is also going out and finding the tree and cutting it down. The weather never really cooperated for us going to cut one down, and we realized that we just didn't have the room. On the plus side, there's less of a worry that our cat Cookie will eat the Christmas tree and get sick.