
I Need More Time in the Day

October 30, 2023
3 Minute Read

I really need more time in the day. I have so many things I want to do. I want to write more, I want to finish a side project, practice guitar, and more. But after work and cooking dinner, the hours in the day aren’t quite there.

Over the course of vacation I read two books that have inspired me to buckle down and focus on side projects and writing.

Side Projects

I read Coders by Clive Thompson. In the book, he talked about the different companies and developers, and what they have been able to accomplish. I’m by no means naive enough to think that my little side projects are going to change the world or anything, but it’d be nice to finish something. Even if the app is just for me and no one else has any use for it, it would make me happy.


The other book I read was On Writing by Stephen King. I’ve had several ideas for short stories, novellas, & novels, but have never really sat down and started writing. The book was an interesting look at how he got to be where he is today, and some of the tips and thoughts that have helped him succeed. And while what works for him is by no means universal, it has given me a slight push to write more.

His one suggestion is to write 1,000 words a day. I have been trying to write every day, but I never really had a word goal. I think that is going to change to be 1,000 words a day.

Most days while in Aruba, I would spend the late afternoons, after the pool and the sun, but before dinner, in the lobby bar writing over a martini or other cocktail. I’ve made good progress in my writing and am off to a good start, but I’ll need to spend time to keep it up.

Everything Else

Other things I want to focus on for the last two months of the year are guitar, and my fitness. I’ve been a little lazy of late for fitness, and I want to change that in November and December. I also want to make the time to practice guitar more often. I had been doing it only sporadically, but am hoping to do it at least every other day.

Like I said, I need more time in the day.