My week notes for the week of August 4 through August 10.
Puck Off the Knee
Monday I was supposed to play 2 hockey games. Unfortunately, late in the 3rd period a puck managed to sneak past my leg pads and nailed me on the knee. My knee pads helped a little bit, but that was still the end of my night. Got a nice bruise from it, but thankfully the damage wasn't as bad as it could've been.
Good Progress on Redesign
I've been spending a good amount of time on my site redesign and am making really good progress. I've cleaned up some code that's been floating around and overall things are looking nice. I've even been able to add some new features that I've been wanting to add. I'm hoping to have it done in the next week or two.
A Hang-Up in my Media Repository
I was planning on getting docker set up on my Synology NAS for my media repository to run on. That got shot down as apparently Docker is not supported on my NAS due to the wrong chipset. I spent Tuesday evening trying to figure out a workaround I felt comfortable with. I found instructions on how to do it, but said there could be unintended side effects so I'm not sure what my next steps are. I've gotten my LinuxMint desktop up and running and have considered hosting it there, but since I occasionally boot into Windows for gaming, it wouldn't be up all the time. Kind of annoyed, but I'll figure something out.
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War
My wife and I finished this 9-episode documentary on Netflix and thought it was interesting and informative. I'd recommend it.