My reading backlog currently sits at 276 books. It’s long, books still trickle onto it. Finding a nice used book store nearby combined with Libby access makes it easy to add more books to the list. You know what is another good way to get more books added? Reading the books already on your backlog.
I recently picked up the audiobook of The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine by Serhii Plokhy for walks and lifting sessions. I added it to my backlog when the Ukraine-Russia war broke out to hopefully learn something more about the region. The book is fascinating, and while I’m only 14% through, I’m learning about the very early history of the region.
As I’m listening to the book, I’m hearing a lot about the Byzantine Empire and Constantinople. I realized it’s a piece of world history I don’t know all that much about. So what do I do? I add several books on Byzantium and the Byzantine Empire to my backlog. So many rabbit holes.
I’m never going to get through my reading backlog...and I’m completely okay with it.