I still can't believe that 2013 is almost over. It really seems like the year just flew by. I guess part of it was all the wedding preparation and the wedding itself. There are still some days where I can't believe I'm married, though I'm definitely happy I am...just seems so surreal.
With that said, 2014 is fast approaching and I have several goals I would like to accomplish in the next year. I'm hoping that I can successfully accomplish most, if not all of them. I'm going to try to set them to be realistic because too many times I've seen people fail to accomplish their goals due to setting the bar too high. You don't want to underachieve, but there's still such a thing as going overboard.
- The first goal I have is to complete my first novel which I've titled Glitch'd, and to write more in general. I'm around 20,000 words so far, though I've slacked off a bit recently. I'm using this blog though to help keep me writing figuring it will help keep my creative juices flowing.
- The second goal I have is to train for, and complete a full marathon. There's 2 I'm looking at entering. The first is the Lehigh Valley Marathon September 7. This is supposed to be a nice course that isn't too difficult, but I'm worried about training during July and August. I was able to do some runs this past summer in the high heat and humidity, but I kept them shorter between 3 and 5 miles…a pretty big difference to the 26.2 a full marathon is. The other one, which I will most likely enter regardless, is the Philadelphia Marathon. This is in November, so I'd have a cooler September and October to train. I might end up doing the half at Lehigh Valley and the full in Philly too, so we'll see.
- The third goal I have for myself I figure will fit in with number 2. I would finally like to lose my gut. I don't need a six pack or sculpted abs, I just want to be slimmer in my belly. Considering I've lost the weight I already have, I think this is definitely attainable. That being said, I don't know how much I'm looking forward to the influx of people at the gym after January 1st.
- I would also like to take a chunk out of my video games list. I've gotten so many games through Steam sales, and I would like to beat more of them. I've actually limited my game purchases to help with this goal.
- My fifth goal is to find a new project for me to work on and get off the ground. I've been bouncing around a lot recently with different ideas, and I'd like to find a single good idea to focus on and bring to fruition. I think I have one, but it needs some more thought with it.
I think that all of these goals are definitely attainable and time will tell how much I can accomplish. I feel like I've been able to increase my productivity over the last week or two, so I'm hopeful.