Two and a half months in, I figured I’d reflect on where things stand with regards towards working towards the goals I set for myself.
I feel pretty good with the progress I’ve made so far. In some areas I could be better, but overall, I’ve been happy with what I’ve done so far this year.
Losing Weight
I’m down almost 10 pounds, so I figure that’s progress. My diet still needs work, but I feel I’m doing better now than I was before. The color coding I’ve done for myself still slants towards red and yellow more than green, but I think some of that comes from not enough protein and too many carbs rather than calories. Either way though, I can do better.
I’ve continued to do well with making it to the gym. I decided to change up programs a little bit. I’ve moved away from the PPL program and have adopted the P.H.U.L. program instead. My progression might end up getting a little slower, but hopefully I’ll get stronger overall. I can happily say I’m benching more than 200 lbs. for the first time in my life. My squats and deadlifts are finally getting back up there after my groin injury so I’m hoping to continue making progress there.
Read More
I’ve fallen behind in this one a little bit with regards to books. I’m only on my third book of the year, but I have been reading the news and other sources as well. I need to continue to force myself to bed earlier to get in some reading before I turn off the lights.
Side Project
I can actually say that I’ve made progress on this. I don’t have much to show at the moment, but I finished the Advanced React tutorial I was working on and feel like I’m in a good place right now with it.
Write More
This one, I need to work on. I have a few ideas for posts, but need to find a good way to put them into words which is easier said than done. That said, I just need to sit down and do it.
I’m feeling good with where I’m at with my goals. There’s still plenty of year left, so hopefully I can make the most of it!