Keith Wagner

Aspirations for 2024

As is my tradition, I try to set some goals for myself each year. Some of them I hit, others I don’t. I try not to be too hard on myself for missing any as they’re more aspirations, something to strive for.

This year, my hopes are for:

Aspiration 1: Average 5 Days a Week of Working Out

For 2024, I’m not going to set any specific goal for what exercises I do or what total distances I want to go. I’m just going to target being active on average 5 days a week. Each day could be a run, a walk, a lifting session, hockey, whatever. Just be active 5 days a week.

Aspiration 2: Finish a Side Project

This is relatively self-explanatory. I often start projects and never finish. This year I want to complete just one. Any one.

Aspiration 3: Write 100 Blog Posts

Not including my reading logs, I want to continue to write blog posts. I’m going to set my target at 100 posts this year.

Aspiration 4: Finish Writing the Story I Started in September

In September, I started writing what was originally just going to be a short story. Well it’s ballooned at this point. I’m not sure how long it will end up being, but there’s still plenty to write. My desire this year will be to finish it.

Aspiration 5: Finish Our Sunroom

We have a sunroom off the back of our house that has become sort go a mudroom or a catch all. It’s been on our list to redo it and turn it into more of a sitting and reading room. It will require repainting the walls and baseboard heaters, replacing the ceiling fan, and a few other miscellaneous little tasks. But it’s been on our list of things to do for several years now. I’m hoping to finish it this year finally.

Aspiration 6: Read 40 Books

Last year I set a goal of 30 and ended up reading 41. This year I hope to read 40.

What are your goals (hard ones or fungible ones), what do you hope to accomplish in 2024? You can follow mine on my progress page