Keith Wagner

Rate Limiting Apple Watch Fitness Notifications

I wrote about how I adjusted the way I run back in May. I also mentioned that my watch can help me keep track of my heart rate and alert me of what zone I’m in. That alert is starting to be a little annoying.

Hear me out. I appreciate the alerts as it allows me to passively keep tabs on my heart rate. What’s annoying is when I’m on the border of the zone. What happens here is that I will often get alerts every five seconds or so. “Above zone…in zone…above zone…in zone…” and so on. Okay, great, I now know I’m right on the cusp of either too high or too low.

I wish I could rate limit the alerts. I don’t need the constant alerts. I’m not sure what the right amount is, but no more than 1-2 a minute would be necessary I would think.

It’s not a huge thing, but it’s annoying when I’m trying to listen to a podcast only to have the alert voice constantly interrupting the podcast.

/end rant