Keith Wagner

Figuring Out Links on My Site

If you haven’t noticed, I have a few places where I share interesting links I find across my different feeds. I’m not sure if I should condense them, or if I should leave them as is.

Links Page

I have my links page where I pull from my media repository and just list the links. I provide no context as to why I liked the link or why it’s shared. Sometimes I’m not sure that’s really needed. These are available as an RSS feed as well, but currently not included in my full feed as when I first set that up I was dealing with errors I couldn’t solve at the time. I have an issue set up now to correct that.

Reading Logs

(Almost) Every Monday I release a reading log that is a weekly digest of the links I share on my links page. It’s a one stop shop for people who might not want to deal with a (more) constant deluge of links. It also has the advantage of the links being broken up into categories. I’ve been doing this for a couple years now and just released the 94th issue.


I have my notes page where I share links that I find where I want to share some context or some of my own thoughts. This is more meant for links that might not warrant a full blog post, but a short blurb. Especially since I don’t want to take away from the source content.

Week Notes

I toyed with, and still am toying with the idea of adding a few links to my week notes posts of links I found particularly interesting. I’m not sure I’ll always have links, but it’s yet another place.

How Many Places is Too Many Places?

How many places is too many places? It all started with my reading logs, then notes so I could add some of my own commentary on it (like a retweet), then to just a firehose of links I’ve read. The thought of adding links to my week notes is more to highlight links that really stand out to me, but should I just put them in notes instead? Maybe?

At the end of the day, I just enjoy sharing the interesting things I find and maybe adding more of them isn’t so bad. I just don’t want to oversaturate things or repeat myself too much.