
Posts TaggedReact

Reading Log - May 13, 2024 (#76)

React 19 is now in beta, NASA looks ahead to both the new Starliner launch and Artemis II, and more.

What I Learned: React Strict Mode

This past week I started a new React project at work and was dealing with a weird issue with one of my components. It turns out the issue was caused by Strict Mode on React.

Reading Log - February 5, 2024 (#62)

NASA's Ingenuity Copter has flown its last flight, the EU blocking Amazon's iRobot acquisition, TypeScript in 2024, and more.

Reading Log - December 19, 2023 (#55)

A day late this week, but still a bunch of great articles on Apple, CSS animations, why you don't always need JavaScript, and more.

Unit Testing and React Hook Form

One of my side projects uses React Hook Form for my forms and ran into some speed bumps while building tests for the individual components. I figure I can’t be the only one so I figure I’ll share my solution.

Reading Log - May 19, 2023 (#29)

I’ve finally started going through all my RSS feeds, so there’s a lot to this week’s log. The topics are all over the place from the IRS doing what it should have done from the beginning, to a boneheaded decision to add some new top level domains, to the US Supreme Court saving Section 230.

Reading Log - March 31, 2023 (#24)

Podcast heavy this week. I've been trying to go through and listen to my unruly queue.

Reading Log - March 17, 2023 (#22)

New updates about .NET 8 & TypeScript, JavaScript failures & progressive enhancement, and more.

Reading Log - February 10, 2023 (#18)

Some criticism and defense of React this week.

Reading Log - February 3, 2023 (#17)

This week we look at the next version of TypeScript, the new version of EntityFramework, a big acquisition at Netlify and more.

Reading Log - January 13, 2023 (#14)

A little light this week. Identity thieves targeted a credit reporting agency, a look at the podcasting market, and more.

Reading Log - October 21, 2022 (#2)

After stuffing Pocket with a bunch of articles, I've finally gotten around to going through them.

Reading List for August 20 - September 2

Was a little busy last week so this week is a little longer.

Reading List: August 13 - 19

Quite a lot this week.

Mocking React Router and useParams

One of the things I needed to do recently was write unit tests for one of the pages of Digital Family Cookbook where I pull a value from a query parameter in the URL. I ended up having some trouble with it so I figured I'd share what I did to get it working.

Reading List: April 29 - May 6

I think I'm going to start this series of entries again. Trying to continue to share the interesting articles and stories I've read over the course of the week.

Refactoring Loops

Ever feel like you can never completely get started with a project? That's sometimes how it feels with the fitness tracking app I'm building.

Switching Platforms

I've been using Jekyll to run this blog for the better part of the last six years. But recently, I've been giving serious consideration to switching to Gatsby or Next.js.

Unit Testing with MSW

A little while back, I started a new project. I have been using spreadsheets to track a lot of my fitness goals. This approach generally works, but I thought it would be easier if I had an app for that. So I did what any self-respecting fitness enthusiast developer would do...make one myself! But with that, also come unit tests.

Delving into Unit Testing

In all of my professional experience, I've never worked for a company that did any unit testing and because of that, I haven't really done any either. I knew what unit testing is and the general concepts behind it, but never got around to actually building or implementing any tests. I decided that for Digital Family Cookbook, that would change.

I'm Now a React Hooks Convert

I’ve often joked that the recipe project I’ve been working on is my “white whale”. I have in the past thrown everything out only to start over. I first built it in Ruby on Rails, but it was buggy and my limited knowledge of Rails made it a little hard to debug and figure out exactly what was wrong. I opted to rebuild it in PHP since I was quite familiar with PHP after building OpenVoter. I decided then that I wanted to start over to teach myself Node.js...well you get the idea.

Continuing My Side Project & Learning React

Lately, I’ve been making steady progress on my side project, which I’m currently calling Digital Family Cookbook. I’m making it as a content management system for cooking recipes. As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m writing it using Node.js, React, & GraphQL. It’s been quite a learning curve, but I’m definitely glad I’ve been working on it. The tools are pretty cool and easy-ish to use once you get used to the syntax and some of the idiosyncrasies of React and JSX.

Wow, I've Fallen Behind

The last couple months have been really hectic for me and unfortunately I didn’t get much done on my recipe side project.