
Posts TaggedUnit Testing

Reading Log - June 24, 2024 (#81)

In this double issue, we have tips for better CSS, the passing of a baseball icon, and more.

What I Learned: Unit Testing Blazor with bUnit

At work, my current project has me using Blazor. Unfortunately that means that my tooling for unit testing the frontend and the UI no longer work for this project. React Testing Library doesn’t work all that well with a Blazor frontend. And by that I mean it just doesn’t work. Enter bUnit.

Reading Log - March 11, 2024 (#67)

A little light this week, but I read about color spaces, uses of :has, and more.

Reading Log - December 4, 2023 (#53)

This week I read about the US' complete lack of data privacy, an old look at the Space Shuttle, and more.

Unit Testing and React Hook Form

One of my side projects uses React Hook Form for my forms and ran into some speed bumps while building tests for the individual components. I figure I can’t be the only one so I figure I’ll share my solution.

Reading Log - January 20, 2023 (#15)

RIP Tweetbot.

Reading Log - December 30, 2022 (#12)

Mastodon is making some in-roads, Apple is considering opening up a bit on iOS and LastPass is in some trouble.

Reading Log - December 16, 2022 (#10)

There's no escaping the Twitter drama this week after Elon's petty hypocrisy. But outside that, we look at the celebrating the 75th birthday of the transistor, a big advancement in fusion energy, as well as a big announcement from Apple.

Reading Log - November 25, 2022 (#7)

It was a relatively light week with American Thanksgiving.

Reading Log - October 21, 2022 (#2)

After stuffing Pocket with a bunch of articles, I've finally gotten around to going through them.

Reading Log - October 14, 2022 (#1)

It's been a little bit since I've posted one of these. Been busy working on other projects and playing Wrath of the Lich King. Anyway, here's the newest list.

Unit Testing with MSW

A little while back, I started a new project. I have been using spreadsheets to track a lot of my fitness goals. This approach generally works, but I thought it would be easier if I had an app for that. So I did what any self-respecting fitness enthusiast developer would do...make one myself! But with that, also come unit tests.

Handy Visual Studio Code Plugin for Jest

I ended up starting a new project recently which I'll get into later, but after my experience writing unit tests with Digital Family Cookbook, I decided to write the tests as I code for this new project. I found a nifty little tool that makes things a little easier for me so I figured I'd share.

Delving into Unit Testing

In all of my professional experience, I've never worked for a company that did any unit testing and because of that, I haven't really done any either. I knew what unit testing is and the general concepts behind it, but never got around to actually building or implementing any tests. I decided that for Digital Family Cookbook, that would change.