
Posts TaggedWeb Development

Reading Log - July 22, 2024 (#85)

This week is podcast-heavy. Also, a deep look at JavaScript promises, web component libraries and more.

Reading Log - July 8, 2024 (#83)

Another light week. This week we look at some news from Mastodon as well as an in-depth look at the Titan submersible disaster.

What I Learned: CSS :focus-visible

I’ve been aware of :focus-visible for a little while now, but haven’t really dug into some of its details. I’ve noticed that browsers have their default behavior and I’ve just left them do their thing without adjusting the focus CSS. Of late, I’ve been digging into accessibility a lot more both for work and my own knowledge and have now finally dug more into :focus-visible.


On each one of my reading logs, I add a YouTube video for “A Song to Leave You With”. It uses a React component to render the embedded YouTube video. Thanks to Dave Rupert, I’ve been able to improve it.

In Defense of TypeScript

The other day in my quest to go through my podcast queue I was listening to an episode of PodRocket, The state of JS frameworks with Chris Ferdinandi. It was a good discussion on some of the downsides of frameworks like React, Vue, and the like. I would highly recommend listening to it.

Digging Into Astro

Over the last week and a half, I've been starting to play around with Astro again. I had built a good bit of my site in it a while back, but then decided just to re-jigger my Next.js site. Reading and listening to some podcasts has brought me back to starting over.

Reading Log - August 18, 2023 (#40)

Hey there, this week I read about the question of if a "Regular Joe" could get a hit in the major leagues, more .NET 8 news, NYT and ChatGPT, and more.

Is TypeScript Solving a Problem or a Symptom

I was listening to ShopTalk Episode 553 and Dave asked a question that made me pause and think, hmmm…

Digging Into Blazor - Integrating with Entity Framework

Now that I was getting my feet wet, it was time for me to start laying out the framework for my first real Blazor project. Step one was to get the database setup.

Developing with Dev Tools Open

One thing I've started to do when I'm actively developing a website or application is keep the dev tools open docked to the side. I do this for two reasons.

Reading List for August 20 - September 2

Was a little busy last week so this week is a little longer.