
Posts TaggedTravel

June 2024 Check-In

I can’t believe the year is already half over. But whether I believe it is or not makes no difference. The highlight of June was my birthday trip to New York City.

Week Notes for June 9 - 22

Week notes for June 9 through June 22. Double edition due to my trip to New York City.

April 2024 Check-In

April was a busy month. We celebrated my wife's birthday with a trip to Cape May, spent time with family, and my next hockey season started up.

February 2024 Check-In

February wasn't a bad month. It did seem to go by a little quickly though.

November 2023 Check-In

I can’t believe Thanksgiving has come and gone and that we’re already into December. November was a good month, after a 2 week vacation I had to come back to the real world and back to work, but I still had some good breaks during the month.


My wife and I recently returned from a 12 day, 11 night stay in Aruba for our 10 year anniversary. We decided to splurge a bit since it’s such a special occasion and it was worth it.

July 2023 Check-In

July was a scorcher. I know we had it lucky compared to other areas of the world, but I don’t do well in the heat so the constant 90º weather was not pleasant for me.

June 2023 Check-In

Half the year is over. This month also had me surviving another trip around the sun.

April Check-In

April wasn’t a bad month. I was productive and was able to finish the month with a well deserved long weekend vacation.

November Check-In

November was a rather quiet month all things considered.

Exploring New York City

This past weekend, Lauren and I went to New York City. It wasn't the best weather for the trip, but overall I feel we lucked out as we only needed umbrellas twice. Most of the time it was just gray or misting which isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things.