
Posts TaggedFitness

Week Notes for July 14 - 20

My week notes for the week of July 14 through July 20.

Week Notes for June 30 - July 6

My week notes for the week of June 30 through July 6.

June 2024 Check-In

I can’t believe the year is already half over. But whether I believe it is or not makes no difference. The highlight of June was my birthday trip to New York City.

Week Notes for June 2 - 8

Week notes for June 2 through June 8.

May 2024 Check-In

I legitimately can’t believe we’re already past May and into June. May was mostly quiet.

Week Notes for May 26 - June 1

My week notes for the week of May 26 through June 1.

Finding a New Way to Run

For the last 10+ years, running has been my primary form of cardio exercise, and often my go-to exercise of any type. The last 6-8 months has been a little trying for me with my running.

The Perils of Gamification

I’ve been an Apple Watch user since 2017. I found it convenient for fitness and certain notifications. One thing I’ve been kind of inadvertently working on this year is trying to earn the monthly badges Apple offers. Thinking about it more, I realized that this kind of thing can be sort of nefarious.

Lunchtime Exercise

One of the things I enjoy about working from home, is the ability to exercise a bit over lunch. On nicer days, I'll take a walk or go for a run.

October 2023 Check-In

October was a good month. I spent the latter half of it in Aruba and had a great time. But outside Aruba, the month was mostly quiet.

I Need More Time in the Day

I really need more time in the day. I have so many things I want to do. I want to write more, I want to finish a side project, practice guitar, and more. But after work and cooking dinner, the hours in the day aren’t quite there.

Figuring Out Better Sleep Habits

Something that's been on my todo list for a while is to improve my sleeping habits.

Reading Log - August 11, 2023 (#39)

A little heavy on podcasts this week.

It's Easy to Fall Off the Train

I’ve been pretty good with my fitness to start the year. For the first 3 months of the year I worked out in some fashion just about every day. Then I tweaked my hip flexor and it came crashing down.

February Check-In

Two months in and the year has been going relatively well. Bummed the Eagles couldn't pull off a Super Bowl win, but no complaints otherwise.

January Check-In

It seems like a new year just started and already we're one month in...

November Check-In

Thanksgiving has come and gone, so that means November has also come and gone. It was not a bad month by any means as I got to spend time with my family for both my niece's baptism as well as Thanksgiving.

Marathon Training Update

Well, it's been just about a month since I started training for the 2022 Philadelphia Marathon. Overall it's been going well.

Marathon Training

Whelp, the Philadelphia Marathon is 16 weeks away and I've started training for it.

Running a 5/3/1 Lifting Routine

Earlier this year, I posted about how I was tweaking my workout to a 6 day program. That routine worked well for me, but then hockey started back up and I wasn't able to keep up. A new routine was in order, and I chose to build one based on Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 BBB (Boring But Big) program.

Tweaking My Lifting Routine

Looking back at the last two months, I've noticed I've done a pretty good job of hitting the weights 5-6 days a week. Because of this, I decided I'd tweak my routine a little bit to help jumpstart some gains.

Reflections on My Running Streak Coming to an End

This past Monday, December 14, my running streak came to an end. I managed to get it up to 175 days, almost half the year. In the end, I just felt it was time to let it go.

A Little Tip for Sticking with Fitness Goals

I'm sure many have experienced the problem of not being able to stick with one's fitness goals. It's a common problem. You decide I'm going to go to the gym a few days a week, you stick with it for a week or two, then get lazy. I've dealt with this and have found a way to "trick" myself into sticking with my goals.

Two Month Running Streak

Two months ago, I decided to go for a run, something I've been doing during most of the pandemic. What I didn't know was that this run would be the start of what would become a 2+ month running streak.

So I Finally Just Built a Home Gym

Four months into the COVID-19 Pandemic, I finally broke down and built a gym in my basement.

Tracking My Fitness Journey

One of the things I’ve been trying to do while getting in shape is tracking my progress. Weight is obviously one of the metrics I track, but it’s not the only one.

Getting Stronger

At the beginning of July, I decided to change up my gym routine. I had been running a variation of the P.H.U.L. routine, but decided I wanted to try something a little more intense since I felt like I was plateauing with both deadlifts and bench press.

12 Weeks of P.H.U.L.

Over the last 12 weeks, I’ve been running the P.H.U.L. Workout Routine.

Outdoor Hockey

So last Friday night, I was able to do something that I've been dreaming of for a while. I was able to skate outdoors on an ice rink in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Fitness Progress - September 2016

I guess the one thing I could say that went well this month is that I got my lifts to my previous bests and I got a lot of runs in.

Fitness Progress - August 2016

I feel like August was another wash for me. I could never really get into any kind of rhythm with trips to the gym or runs.

Fitness Progress - July 2016

This month was pretty much a complete wash. I didn't really progress at all.

Fitness Progress - June 2016

June wasn't quite as much of a waste as the numbers seem to show. I want quite as active as previous months due to work on my dining room. In March I started gutting it and now I'm finally making some real the cost of trips to the gym. I've been playing a lot of hockey as well including 3 straight weeks of Sunday-Monday-Tuesday games back-to-back-to-back. It's been tiring as well given the late start times. As much as I love playing hockey, I think I'm looking forward to dropping down to 2 teams come fall.

Fitness Progress - May 2016

I really need to figure out the whole diet thing. Other than that, I feel good about how the month of May went. I was more active, between gym trips and hockey, I stayed busy.

Fitness Progress - April 2016

April was not a good month for me. I was far less active than I wanted to be and wasn’t able to make it to the gym as often as I planned and generally have this year so far.

Fitness Progress - March 2016

I feel like I had a 'meh' March.

Fitness Progress - February 2016

I feel like I had a good February.

Fitness Progress - January 2016

I've decided this year that I really want to rid myself of my gut. I think it's shrunk over the last year or two and I have gone down in pants size, but I've always wanted to get rid of it in its entirety. I don't know if that will happen this year, but I definitely want to see the majority of it go away. To that end, I've been making a concerted effort to go to the gym more with what I feel is a good lifting plan, and to generally just stay active.

I Finally Ran a Marathon

I did it. I actually did it. Even almost a month later it sometimes dawns on me how amazing it is that I was able to run a full marathon (26.2 miles).

Tracking My Runs

This year, I'm really starting to do some longer races. I've already run Broad Street (10 miles), and have 2 more half-marathons and then a full marathon in November. Since I've started running back in 2010, I've been using Runkeeper on my phone to track my runs to give myself an idea how far and how fast I'm running. It's a pretty nice little app and service using your phone's GPS to track how you're doing and overlaying your path over Google Maps. But as I've been running more and participating in some longer races, I've noticed that its accuracy was starting to become questionable.

Run Forest Run!

Well, it's official, this November I will be running my first full marathon. On November 23, 2014 I will be running the Philadelphia Marathon.

Delays, Delays...

This week, I was hoping to get back into my gym routine. I went so far as to do a double session on Monday in hockey (2.5 hours of drills) and was all ready to start on Tuesday after a few false starts over the last month.

I Did It! Half Marathon Complete!

I did it. After all the hard work and exercise, I ran a half marathon yesterday! From barely being able to run a mile three and a half years ago, to 13.1 miles…it's a journey I am incredibly proud of.