
Posts TaggedMonthly Check-In

June 2024 Check-In

I can’t believe the year is already half over. But whether I believe it is or not makes no difference. The highlight of June was my birthday trip to New York City.

May 2024 Check-In

I legitimately can’t believe we’re already past May and into June. May was mostly quiet.

April 2024 Check-In

April was a busy month. We celebrated my wife's birthday with a trip to Cape May, spent time with family, and my next hockey season started up.

March 2024 Check-In

March was a very quiet month for me. There really wasn’t much of anything to note. I lead a mostly boring life which I do believe is a good thing.

February 2024 Check-In

February wasn't a bad month. It did seem to go by a little quickly though.

January 2024 Check-In

January was a pretty lousy month for me. I started the month having to say goodbye to my cat, Cookie. And to be honest, the sting of that continued on for the rest of the month.

December 2023 Check-In

December kind of sucked. Halfway through the month, I caught bronchitis, and it took me 2 weeks to finally kick it to the curb. This completely curtailed the Christmas festivities as I definitely did not want to spread this to anyone else.

November 2023 Check-In

I can’t believe Thanksgiving has come and gone and that we’re already into December. November was a good month, after a 2 week vacation I had to come back to the real world and back to work, but I still had some good breaks during the month.

October 2023 Check-In

October was a good month. I spent the latter half of it in Aruba and had a great time. But outside Aruba, the month was mostly quiet.

September 2023 Check-In

The fall season has begun. The weather has started to chill which is thankful since our AC still needs repairing or replacement.

August 2023 Check-In

August was a mostly uneventful month, which seems to be par for the course for me. I'm good with that though, I like being able to take it easy...especially with this heat.

July 2023 Check-In

July was a scorcher. I know we had it lucky compared to other areas of the world, but I don’t do well in the heat so the constant 90º weather was not pleasant for me.

June 2023 Check-In

Half the year is over. This month also had me surviving another trip around the sun.

May Check-In

May was a bit of a frustrating month, but I can’t fully point my finger at why exactly. I ended up tweaking a muscle early in the month that limited my physical activities, but not much else really jumps out at me as to why the month felt off.

April Check-In

April wasn’t a bad month. I was productive and was able to finish the month with a well deserved long weekend vacation.

March Check-In

March wasn't a particularly bad month, had a wedding a whiskey dinner.

February Check-In

Two months in and the year has been going relatively well. Bummed the Eagles couldn't pull off a Super Bowl win, but no complaints otherwise.

January Check-In

It seems like a new year just started and already we're one month in...

December Check-In

December was a quiet month, but I feel like I spent the better part of it dealing with colds.

November Check-In

Thanksgiving has come and gone, so that means November has also come and gone. It was not a bad month by any means as I got to spend time with my family for both my niece's baptism as well as Thanksgiving.

October Check-In

The biggest thing to happen in the month of October was probably celebrating Lauren's and my 9 year anniversary. Other than that, it was mostly a quiet month.

September Check-In

Of course the month of my vacation is the month that seems to fly by the fastest.

August Check-In

I can't believe the summer is basically over. August was spent running. So...much...running.

July Check-In

July was mostly a good month for me. A small medical mishap, but otherwise a good month.

June Check-In

I can't believe the first half of 2022 is already over. Another month has come and gone and I'm not sure what I have to show for it.

May Check-In

May was an eventful month. I didn't do much because I was exposed to COVID…and then got COVID later in the month. Needless to say, the month could have gone better, but it could have been far worse.

April Check-In

April wasn't a terribly busy month for me. I spent a lot of it just hanging around the house working on my blog and side projects.

March Check-In

March didn't particularly feel like that busy of a month. About the only eventful thing that happened was a week-long vacation to Cape May, New Jersey at the end of the month.

February Check-In

February felt like a busy month, it seemed like every weekend we had something going on keeping us moving about.

January Check-In

I can't believe it's already February. It feels like January just came and went.

December Check-In

December was a rough month.

November Check-In

November was a rather quiet month all things considered.

October Check-In

October felt like it was a busy month. It seemed that we had plans every weekend and were always on the move. It wasn't necessarily a bad busy, but it probably foreshadows the upcoming holiday season.

September Check-In

September seemed to fly by pretty quickly, but it was definitely a good month. I enjoyed a week away on vacation and felt like I got a lot accomplished.